Arenal Rustic Villa

Arenal Rustic Villa

Experience the magic of La Fortuna in our cozy hideaway. Book now!

Located 50 meters from Sloth's Territory, in La Fortuna.

Cancellation Policies


Terms and Conditions

Please note that the original version of these Terms and Conditions is in Spanish. This English translation is provided for convenience purposes only. In case of any discrepancies or claims, the original Spanish version shall prevail as the official and binding version.

THE USER who wishes to make the online purchase, can do so subject to the General Terms and Conditions, rules, policies, and principles that govern in SLOTH’S TERRITORY and which are incorporated into this contract by reference.

The legal contracts entered into between you (hereinafter “THE USER”) and Sloth's Territory (hereinafter “SLOTH'S TERRITORY”), regulate the online sale of tickets within the Sloth's Territory website (hereinafter “THE COMPANY”). If you do not agree with these conditions, do not click on “I accept the terms and conditions” and do not use the ticket purchase service on the mentioned website.

THE USER must read and accept all the conditions established in the General Terms and Conditions and in the Privacy Policies, as well as in the other documents incorporated into them by reference, which are mandatory and binding, prior to making the purchase as a USER of the SLOTH'S TERRITORY page.


THE USER must read and accept all the conditions established in the General Terms and Conditions and in the Privacy Policies, as well as in the other documents incorporated into them by reference, which are mandatory and binding, prior to making the purchase as a USER of the SLOTH'S TERRITORY page.


It is mandatory to complete the purchase form in all its fields with valid data to be able to use the Purchase provided by SLOTH’S TERRITORY. The future USER must complete it with their personal information accurately, precisely, and truthfully with the Personal Data and assumes the commitment to update the Personal Data as necessary. Various means may be used to identify its USERS, but it is not responsible for the accuracy of the Personal Data provided by its USERS. USERS guarantee and respond, in any case, to the truthfulness, accuracy, validity, and authenticity of the Personal Data entered.

SLOTH’S TERRITORY reserves the right to request additional information or confirmation as well as some proof and/or additional data in order to corroborate the data provided, as well as its validity and truthfulness and to temporarily or definitively suspend those USERS whose data could not be confirmed. In these cases of disqualification, the USER will be deregistered without this generating any right to compensation. The USER must enter the link of the COMPANY's website, must complete the requested personal and banking information, verify it, and proceed with the purchase.

The USER will be responsible for all operations carried out, including but not limited to purchase, cancellation, modification, addition to purchases made. The USER commits to notify SLOTH’S TERRITORY immediately and by suitable and reliable means, whether by telephone, electronic or physical means, of any problem, inconvenience, or inconsistency at the time of purchase.

SLOTH'S TERRITORY reserves the right to deny entry and to reject any purchase request or entry, without being obliged to communicate or explain the reasons for its decision and without this generating any right to compensation or reparation.


SLOTH'S TERRITORY may modify the General Terms and Conditions at any time by making the modified terms public on the Site.


SLOTH'S TERRITORY makes available to USERS the sale of tickets to the tourist company SLOTH'S TERRITORY for daytime or nighttime tours guided by tour guides, which offers services for observing flora and fauna in their natural habitat, under the same conditions and obligations as a ticket purchased at the Reception of the SLOTH'S TERRITORY facilities, so the tickets purchased online must adhere to the rules, policies, and principles found at the main entrance and which are explained by the guides in each of the tours.

To make the purchase of tickets effective, the USER must complete the purchase process, as indicated on the website. Once this transaction is made, the USER will receive an email with a confirmation voucher of the reservation, which will include the identification information of each of the reservations. Information that may include but is not limited to the reservation number, type of tour selected, schedule, number of people, among others.

The voucher or reservation voucher can only be activated once. SLOTH’S TERRITORY is released from all responsibility for the use of this document. The redemption of the document applies only on the normal operating days, shifts, and hours of the company.


To use the Ticket Purchase offered by SLOTH'S TERRITORY, USERS must provide certain personal data. Their personal information is processed and stored on servers or magnetic media that maintain high standards of security and protection, both physical and technological. The information provided is completely confidential and will only be used for the purposes of purchasing the service, as well as for maintaining a history and internal statistics of SLOTH'S TERRITORY. SLOTH'S TERRITORY may use and store this information.

The USER is responsible for the proper use of the website and must refrain from accessing, obtaining, and manipulating information relevant and related to other USERS. SLOTH’S TERRITORY is not responsible for the improper use that third parties give to the website and/or unauthorized access by third parties to SLOTH' S TERRITORY information of personal data of the USER.


6.1 Obligations of the USER/Buyer. By making the Purchase, the USER agrees to be bound by the applicable law and the conditions of sale included in this document as well as all those related, attached, or referred to in this document.

Furthermore, they are obligated to comply with the following terms, but not limited to:

  • 6.1.1. Provide accurate information: The user must provide accurate and truthful information when making the purchase, including personal and payment data.
  • 6.1.2. Timely payment: The user must pay the total amount of the ticket purchase indicated on the website or purchase platform, which may include value-added tax and/or other charges.
  • 6.1.3 Verify information: It is the user's responsibility to review and verify the selected information, including but not limited to the type of tour, schedule, location, and type of event.
  • 6.1.4. Accept the terms and conditions: The user must accept the terms and conditions set by the online ticket provider before completing the purchase.
  • 6.1.5. Maintain the security of their information: The user must verify that the purchase is made on the official website of SLOTH’S TERRITORY, to avoid unauthorized purchases.
  • 6.1.6. Comply with refund, modification, and cancellation policies: Must respect the refund, modification, and cancellation policies established in this contract.
  • 6.1.7. Follow the policies and rules of the tour: Must follow the policies and rules established by SLOTH’S TERRITORY and the guides, organizers, collaborators, among others who are part of the SLOTH'S TERRITORY team, which may include restrictions not limited to taking some types of photographs, removal of plants, animals, objects, entry of permitted objects, behaviors, safety measures, coordination, duration, among others.

6.2. Obligations of the Seller. SLOTH’S TERRITORY is legally capable of selling Tickets to SLOTH'S TERRITORY. THE COMPANY is obligated to respect the conditions of the contract. THE COMPANY will always strive to provide guided, safe, and informed service through the facilities of SLOTH’S TERRITORY.


USERS may not resell the products purchased.

Such activities will be investigated by SLOTH’S TERRITORY, and the offender may be subject to legal actions due to the configuration of crimes or contraventions, or the civil damages caused to the offering USERS or the company SLOTH’S TERRITORY.


No action or use of a device, software, or other means intended to interfere with the activities, sales, operations, databases, electronic systems, and websites of SLOTH’S TERRITORY is permitted. Any intrusion, attempt, or violatory activity contrary to intellectual property rights laws or the right to the protection of information, being violatory activities not limited to the Law on Copyright and Related Rights or the Law on the Protection of the Person against the processing of their personal data, and/or the prohibitions stipulated in this contract will make their responsible subject to the pertinent legal actions, and the sanctions foreseen by this agreement, as well as making them responsible for indemnifying the damages caused.


Without prejudice to other measures, SLOTH’S TERRITORY may suspend purchases, conduct private investigations, initiate conciliatory, legal, or arbitration actions that it deems appropriate and/or if (a) any law, policy, rule, principle, or any of the clauses of these Terms and conditions is breached; (b) if commitments as a USER are not fulfilled; (c) if activities, behaviors, or illegal acts are incurred, in the opinion of SLOTH’S TERRITORY, that could jeopardize the sale of SLOTH’S TERRITORY or the sensitive information of the USERS, which may be malicious or fraudulent; (d) any information provided by the USER is incorrect and causes some harm.


SLOTH’S TERRITORY only provides USERS with a web space that allows them to make the Purchase of Tour Tickets through the facilities of SLOTH’S TERRITORY via the internet on the Official Website of SLOTH’S TERRITORY.

SLOTH’S TERRITORY will not be responsible for the existence, quality, quantity, condition, integrity, or legitimacy or the truthfulness of the Personal Data entered by the USERS.

The USER acknowledges and accepts that when conducting operations via the Internet, they do so at their own risk. In no case will THE COMPANY be responsible for lost profits, or for any other damage and/or injury that the USER may have suffered, due to operations performed or not performed through the site ''.

SLOTH’S TERRITORY recommends acting with prudence and common sense when conducting operations via the Internet, using official platforms, not entering links provided via unofficial email, not providing sensitive data via telephone or any other activity that puts their personal or banking information at risk. The site '' requests information such as name, identification, date for the tour, schedule, type of services, and offers the electronic payment method via bank card, being that the requested information can change and is not limited to the information mentioned above for which discretion is requested.


The Purchase will be limited and exhausted with the acquisition of the Ticket, as the USER makes the Purchase. Therefore, this purchase action does not generate any type of relationship, bond, or contract beyond what is stipulated here. It does not generate any type of mandate, franchise, or labor relationship, intellectual property rights, corporate rights, financial links, or any other type of relationship or link that is not contracted by the purchase of tickets, between SLOTH’S TERRITORY and the USER.

The Purchase will only be considered valid and final, once the request, information, and total payment have been processed by the computer system of SLOTH’S TERRITORY and the bank card operator used in the transaction.

The USER will be responsible to SLOTH’S TERRITORY if the operator of the credit card used in the transaction refuses to pay the monetary amount of the sale or of electronically processed transactions when it judges that these do not conform to the provisions, procedures, and regulations or that are applicable by virtue of laws or regulations governing the matter; or if in their judgment, there are rational indications that the respective operations are fraudulent or illegitimate.

SLOTH’S TERRITORY will not be responsible for contingencies, problems, inconveniences, or unforeseen events generated between the USER and the bank card operator used in the transaction, including but not limited to double or duplicate charges, when the bank card operator makes a double charge to the card for a single purchase; charge without generating the purchase when the transaction is not completed or not completed correctly despite the charge being reflected on the card; non-generation of a charge receipt by the banking operator; unauthorized transactions; additional unreported charges; international charges; or any other that may cause harm to the USER. It is important for users to be attentive, verify and review their bank statements and transactions regularly to identify and address any problems that may arise when using a bank card online.

The USER exempts SLOTH’S TERRITORY from all civil and criminal liability for any type of irregularity related to the transactions, not attributable to negligence or electronic insecurity of SLOTH’S TERRITORY, due to misuse of the card or lack of care at the time of making the purchase.


SLOTH’S TERRITORY is not responsible for any damage, injury, or loss to the USER caused by failures in the system, on the server, on the Internet, or by third parties ('hacker').

SLOTH’S TERRITORY will also not be responsible for any malware or malicious software that could affect the USER's device as a result of accessing, using, or examining its website or as a result of the purchase on it, including, but not limited to, computer threats, viruses, worms, trojans, ransomware, spyware, and other types of software designed to damage, steal information, or perform malicious activities in computer systems.

USERS cannot impute any responsibility nor demand payment for lost profits, as a result of damages arising from technical difficulties or failures in the systems, web pages, or the Internet. SLOTH’S TERRITORY does not guarantee continuous or uninterrupted access and use of its site. The system may occasionally not be available due to technical difficulties, problems on the website, in databases, Internet failures, or any other circumstance foreign or inherent to SLOTH’S TERRITORY; in such cases, efforts will be made to restore it as quickly as possible without this implying any type of responsibility. SLOTH’S TERRITORY will not be responsible for any error or omission in the contents on its website.


SLOTH’S TERRITORY will make a full, partial, or no refund depending on the time of anticipation with which the cancellation of the purchase is requested, and this will be subject to the procedure, requirements, and policies of the bank operator that facilitates the transactions.

The request for cancellation of purchase can only be made via email. The USER must make the cancellation request through the email, indicating the name of the person who made the purchase, the date on which it was made, the date of the tour to be canceled, type of tour, number of spots to be canceled, transaction number or payment voucher, name of the cardholder, as well as any other information deemed pertinent.

SLOTH’S TERRITORY will make the refund according to the days of anticipation with which it is requested, counted before the date on which the tour was reserved, and will be governed as follows:

  • ● The request for cancellation of purchase made seven calendar days or more in advance of the date and time in which the tour was reserved, will not have any penalty and the refund of the total amount paid will be complete, according to the rules of the request for cancellation of purchase and the conditions established in this document.
  • ● Request for cancellation of purchase made between six calendar days and forty-eight hours in advance of the date and time in which the tour was reserved, the refund will be fifty percent, having a charge for cancellation of fifty percent of the total amount paid, according to the rules of the request for cancellation of purchase and the conditions established in this document.
  • ● Request for cancellation of purchase made with a period equal to or less than forty-eight hours in advance of the date and time in which the tour was reserved, no type of refund will be made, having a charge for cancellation of one hundred percent of the total amount paid, according to the rules of the request for cancellation of purchase and the conditions established in this document.

SLOTH’S TERRITORY will not make cash refunds to the USER, but will credit the amount to the same card that the USER used to make the purchase on the website. In case the card is expired, unused, suspended, stolen, or any other contingency not reported to SLOTH’S TERRITORY via official email, SLOTH’S TERRITORY will have no responsibility nor is obligated to process, request, follow up, consult about the destination of the refund, nor to process or request on behalf of the USER any procedure, return, or management with any banking entity. SLOTH’S TERRITORY will not be responsible for the time it takes for the card operator to credit the sum to the USER's card.


The contents of images, colors, designs, features, and information related to the Purchases, as well as its website, including the programs, databases, networks, and files that allow the USER to access and process the purchase, are owned by SLOTH’S TERRITORY and are protected by laws and international treaties on copyright, trademarks, patents, models, and industrial designs. The misuse and total or partial reproduction of such contents are strictly prohibited, and their violation will be subject to legal actions.


These Terms and Conditions will be governed in all their points by the laws in force in the Republic of Costa Rica. Any controversy arising from this agreement, its existence, validity, interpretation, scope, or compliance, will be submitted to the competent judicial or arbitration courts in the territory of Costa Rica.